Over the past couple of months, we have all been faced with unexpected challenges and opportunities. Even companies with the best contingency planning and crisis management teams were not prepared for the full breadth of the current pandemic and its impacts on our daily lives. Together we have weathered a tremendous amount since March and together we will come through this stronger than ever.

They say necessity is the mother of all invention and how true that has been as we have been faced with shifting business models, transitional operations, and creative approaches to everyday tasks. As recent as January not many people would have considered conducting much of their business via online meetings. Businesses who have traditionally welcomed customers in person have found innovative ways to get products and services to their base.

The South County Economic Development Council has also faced a challenge in meeting the needs of our businesses through traditional methods. Since April we have conducted all meetings virtually and continue to see engagement grow and thrive. Our outreach has taken on a personal approach with phone calls and zoom meetings. Our leadership has looked to find ways to ensure we can help businesses attain resources so desperately needed during this time.

The committees have been tremendous in bringing action to life through commitment to the communities we serve. The Economic Summit Committee transitioned early ensuring we would bring a virtual platform to you in October. The Public Policy and Bi-National Committees have engaged in efforts securing strong resources for a full recovery. Our Membership Committee is working to develop benefits to assist businesses as we move forward. Developing new communications and outreach tools has been the focus of our Marketing Committee. The Finance and Executive Committees continue to assess where and how to best deploy resources to those most impacted through our loan program.

I encourage you to get involved with some of these groups as much for what we can do together as for who might be a support for you. Our Committees meet monthly and all members are welcome:

· Board of Directors, First Tuesday 8 AM

· Marketing Committee, Second Wednesday 12 PM

· Bi-National Committee, Second Friday 10 AM

· Public Policy, Third Thursday 3 PM

· Finance Committee, Fourth Wednesday 3 PM

To learn more about our committees or to join in one of the virtual meetings, email: scedc@southcountyedc.com

At the heart of South County is the people who are here and the commitment they have to one another. The SCEDC is proud to be a convener and place where caring becomes action. Our committees work together on building a better community but more importantly assist one another in continual development. Over the coming months we will continue to face opportunities and with your help our communities will be prepared.
