I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for all your support and commitment over this past year.  We have all faced tremendous challenges and unforeseen opportunities but together we are beginning 2021 with a renewed commitment to South San Diego County.  Having seen the resiliency and determination of all associated with our community and organization I know great things are ahead.  Even through what has been a trying year for sure we have been able to assist more businesses than ever before.

The SCEDC is the organization many have come to rely on for support, information, and community because of every one of you.  You are what makes South San Diego County the community we have all come to know and love.  The coming year will undoubtedly present more challenges but with this team I know we will continue to carry one another through.  Over the coming weeks we invite you to join us through our member webinar series.  We want to hear from you on challenges faced, successes had, and keep in touch while we are apart.

It is my pleasure to hear from our members when they share their appreciation for what we do.  Whether it be the restaurant we have helped with an emergency loan or the business we have connected with resources to expand none of it would be possible without all of you.   Often, we lose sight of the impact we are having and as we move into this new year, I hope you all understand the positive affects you have every day on the lives of business owners and their employees right here in your backyard.  This past year we have been able to help over 300 businesses access support and resources.  Additionally, while partnering with our local cities we were able to put nearly $400,000 in the hands of businesses through grants and loans.

To our front-line healthcare workers and all the businesses who have remained open to help ensure the safety of our community thank you.  Your selfless action and dedication to those you have never met is an amazing testament to community.  The South County EDC looks forward to supporting you in any and every way we can.

As a committed partner of the South County EDC, you help ensure the viability of tremendous programs and resources for businesses new and old.  Together this community has and will lead the charge to ensure the South County of San Diego will grow and thrive for generations to come.
