Growth and Revitalization on the Horizon

Growth and Revitalization on the Horizon

As we prepare to spring forward it is with great optimism that we look to the near future as a time of growth and revitalization.  For the past year we have all worked diligently to ensure our neighbors, communities, and families have remained safe and healthy.  This...
Announcing New Forum Series

Announcing New Forum Series

For more than thirty years the South County EDC has been bringing our communities together to discuss key issues of focus for the region through our Economic Summit.  To enhance the amazing insights on focused programs having come from the Summit we are launching a...
2021 Economic Summit

2021 Economic Summit

We are excited to bring you a tremendous array of speakers helping to shed light on the current and projected outlook of our South County Region.  Building back better is the theme of the conference with attention being paid to ensuring the economy of tomorrow starts...
A Note of Thanks

A Note of Thanks

With the end of 2021 upon us I wanted to share a note of thanks to all who have assisted in the work of the South County EDC this year. To our amazing board, committed members, outstanding community and civic partners, and our resolute staff we could not have done the...