In recent weeks, the Recovery Task Force convened by Supervisor Cox and May Faulconer has been working to ensure businesses have clear guidelines and expectations as we move towards recovery. The South County Economic Development Council along with many of our civic partners from around the County of San Diego have been sharing your concerns and needs as members of this group. With many unknowns surrounding when various sectors will be able to open it is important to help all sectors position themselves to be ready.

The guidelines and recommendations included below are meant to ensure your business is positioned and ready to go when your respective phase of re-opening is enabled. Like much of the communication throughout this State of Emergency, this will be a living document adjusting as outside forces dictate. We encourage you to come back often and check for the latest updates as we are committed to providing you with the most current and accurate information.

County Guidelines and Recommendation for successfully Re-Opening the San Diego Economy

California will move into Stage 2 of modifying the state’s Stay-at-Home order on May 8, 2020. Our progress in achieving key ,public health metrics will allow a gradual re-opening of California’s economy.

We recognize the impact of economic hardship. We must get our economy roaring once again and put paychecks in people’s pockets. But the risk of COVID-19 infection is still real for all Californians and continues to be fatal.

That is why every business should take every step humanly possible to reduce the risk of infection:

  • Plan and prepare for re-opening
  • Make radical changes within the workplace
  • Adjust practices by employees and help educate customers

Below are, Guidelines for businesses to follow, if they’re permitted to open. The goal is a safer, environment for workers and customers. Businesses may use effective alternative or innovative methods to build upon the Guidelines.

Review the guidance that is relevant to your workplace, prepare a plan based on the guidance for your industry, and put it into action.

When complete, you can post the industry-specific checklist (below) in your workplace to show your customers and your employees that you have reduced the risk and are open for business.

Before reopening, all facilities must:

  1. Perform a detailed risk assessment and implement a site-specific protection plan
  2. Train employees on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them
  3. Implement individual control measures and screenings
  4. Implement disinfecting protocols
  5. Implement physical distancing guidelines

To provide your input on future industry guidance, fill out the ,California Recovery Roadmap survey.

It is critical that employees needing to self-isolate because of COVID-19 are encouraged to stay at home, with sick leave policies to support that, to prevent further infection in your workplace. See additional information on ,government programs supporting sick leave and worker’s compensation for COVID-19.

For more information related to your specific industry please ,Click Here
