During our January 12th Board of Director Meeting we heard from Executive Director Hasan Ikharta of SANDAG and team.  The presentation touched on the long-term strategies and focuses of the regional organization.  Outlining of the 5 Big Moves allowed all involved to see and better understand our regional transportation vision.

SANDAG introduced a transformative vision for transportation in San Diego County that completely reimagines how people and goods could move throughout the region in the 21st century. This vision is fundamentally shaped by five key strategies for mobility, collectively known as the 5 Big Moves—Complete CorridorsTransit LeapMobility HubsFlexible Fleets, and the Next OS.

Innovative new investments in the regional transportation network will enhance connectivity, increase safety and sustainability, and improve the everyday lives of millions of people. The vision for the 2021 Regional Plan, if fully realized, would add tremendous capacity to the transportation system and offer people compelling alternatives to driving alone. The vision synchronizes the 5 Big Moves to deliver a fully integrated, world-class transportation system. The five strategies are interdependent, and the success of one depends on the success of the others.

Continue reading and see entire plan

We look forward to seeing you during our monthly board meeting and committee meetings, to learn more please visit our calendar page.

